Exams Policies & Procedures
Private Candidates​​
Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School and Sixth Form College is not currently able to accept private candidate applications for examinations. The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) which coordinates the administrative arrangements for schools, provides an online tool available here, to help you find centres which accept private candidates.
Support for Candidates​​
Warning Posters
Examination Timetables

Examination Preparation
Preparation is a key element to examination success and JCQ provides helpful information here to help candidates get themselves ready beforehand and to know what to expect. The essential item of equipment is a pen. This must be black and it is highly recommended that a spare pen is also taken. Other equipment, such as pencils, rulers, approved calculators, etc may be needed for specific subjects and candidates should check with their subject teachers. Equipment is not generally lent out before or during an examination unless it is to replace an item that has stopped working. Any equipment case used as storage and taken into the examination room must be transparent. At HCCS no food is allowed into the examination room, unless there is a medical necessity and has been agreed beforehand and we only allow candidates to take in small bottles of water which must be completely transparent with labels removed. It is the responsibility of candidates to make themselves aware of all the JCQ examination regulations - please check the section on malpractice.
Please contact the examinations team at exams@hccs.info for clarification of any examination queries you have.
The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) which coordinates the administrative arrangements for schools, provides a framework to support the integrity of all the external examinations taken at HCCS. JCQ uses the term malpractice for all suspected offences which breach its regulations and it does not discriminate its terminology between lesser and more serious offences. Malpractice outcomes for relatively minor offences could still result in the loss of marks for a complete paper. For example, talking during the examination about matters not related to the examination could result in the loss of marks for the whole paper. If the talking is related to the examination it could result in a candidate being disqualified from the whole qualification or even barred from entering examinations for a set period of time. In the 2023 summer series, almost 45% of all malpractice cases were related to mobile phones and other communication devices. Please be aware that simply being in possession of a mobile phone may well result in the loss of all marks from that paper. All schools which use JCQ regulated qualifications must report any incidents of suspected malpractice to the relevant awarding body. Not to report suspected malpractice would, in itself, constitute suspected malpractice by HCCS. Please note that candidates do not have a statutory right of appeal. A copy of the JCQ document "Suspected Malpractice Policies and Procedures" is available here
List of Examinations and Awarding Bodies​
Subject Description | Subject Code | Level | Awarding Body |
Art and Design | 8201 | GCSE | AQA |
Art and Design | 7201 | GCE | AQA |
Biology | 7402 | GCE | AQA |
Biology Tier F | 8461F | GCSE | AQA |
Biology Tier H | 8461H | GCSE | AQA |
Business | A510QS | GCE | WJEC/EDUQAS |
Business | 1BS0 | GCSE | Pearson/Edexcel |
Chemistry | 7405 | GCE | AQA |
Chemistry Tier F | 8462F | GCSE | AQA |
Chemistry Tier H | 8462H | GCSE | AQA |
Chinese | 1CN0 | GCSE | Pearson/Edexcel |
Combined Science (Trilogy) Tier F | 8464F | GCSE | AQA |
Combined Science (Trilogy) Tier H | 8464H | GCSE | AQA |
Computer Science | 1CP2 | GCSE | Pearson/Edexcel |
Computer Science | H446 | GCE | OCR |
Creative Digital Media Production | DMDG9A | Level 3 | Pearson/Edexcel |
Creative Media Production | RCM3 | Level 1/2 | Pearson/Edexcel |
Design And Technology | 8552 | GCSE | AQA |
Design and Technology (Product Design) | 7552 | GCE | AQA |
Drama | 8261 | GCSE | AQA |
Economics | A520QS | GCE | WJEC/EDUQAS |
Economics | B520QS | AS Level | WJEC/EDUQAS |
English | 6700QC | Entry Level | WJEC/EDUQAS |
English Language | 7702 | GCE | AQA |
English Language | C700QS | GCSE | WJEC/EDUQAS |
English Language And Literature | 7707 | GCE | AQA |
English Literature | A720QS | GCE | WJES/EDUQAS |
English Literature | C720QS | GCSE | WJEC/EDUQAS |
Enterprise And Marketing | J837 | Level 1/2 | OCR |
Extended Project Qualification | 7993 | Level 3 | AQA |
Food Preparation And Nutrition | 8585 | GCSE | AQA |
French Tier F | 8658F | GCSE | AQA |
French Tier H | 8658H | GCSE | AQA |
Further Mathematics | 8365 | Level 2 | AQA |
Further Mathematics | 9FM0 | GCE | Pearson/Edexcel |
Geography | 9GE0 | GCE | Pearson/Edexcel |
Geography | 8035 | GCSE | AQA |
German | 7662T | GCE | AQA |
German Tier F | 8668F | GCSE | AQA |
German Tier H | 8668H | GCSE | AQA |
Health and Social Care | BVJW5A | Level 3 | Pearson/Edexcel |
Health and Social Care | RHS3 | Level 1/2 | Pearson/Edexcel |
History A | H505 | GCE | OCR |
History JC | 8145JC | GCSE | AQA |
Information Technology | RIT3 | Level 1/2 | Pearson/Edexcel |
Information Technology | ZWT24A | Level 3 | Pearson/Edexcel |
Mathematical Studies Option A | 1350A | Level 3 | AQA |
Mathematics | 9MA0 | GCE | Pearson/Edexcel |
Mathematics | 5930 | Entry Level | AQA |
Mathematics Tier F | 8300F | GCSE | AQA |
Mathematics Tier H | 8300H | GCSE | AQA |
Music | 1MU0 | GCSE | Pearson/Edexcel |
Music Technology | 9MT0 | GCE | Pearson/Edexcel |
Philosophy | 7172 | GCE | AQA |
Photography | 7206 | GCE | AQA |
Physical Education | 1PE0 | GCSE | Pearson/Edexcel |
Physical Education | 9PE0 | GCE | Pearson/Edexcel |
Physics (astrophysics) | 7408A | GCE | AQA |
Physics Tier F | 8463F | GCSE | AQA |
Physics Tier H | 8463H | GCSE | AQA |
Polish Tier H | 8688H | GCSE | AQA |
Politics Option A | 9PL0A | GCE | Pearson/Edexcel |
Psychology | J203 | GCSE | OCR |
Psychology | 7182 | GCE | AQA |
Religious Studies A | 8062MA | GCSE | AQA |
Sociology | 7192 | GCE | AQA |
Spanish | 7692T | GCE | AQA |
Spanish Tier F | 8698F | GCSE | AQA |
Spanish Tier H | 8698H | GCSE | AQA |
Statistics Tier H | 8382H | GCSE | AQA |

Exam Results
Progress 8 +0.06
Attainment 8 55.6
Grade 5 or above in English and Maths GCSEs 63%
EBacc average point score 4.56
% Staying in education or entering employment 98%
Overall link to performance tables: Click here
Website links to Exam Board Grade Boundaries 2023

Contact the Exam Board
0844 209 6614
0844 576 0025
01223 553 998
020920 265 000