Design & Technology Faculty
We aim to securely equip all of our students for life beyond school as successful, confident, inquisitive designers. We believe that education provides the key to social mobility and our curriculum is designed to build strong foundations in the knowledge, understanding and skills which lead to academic and personal success. We want our students to enjoy the challenges that learning offers.
Our aims are underpinned by a culture of high aspirations. Through developing positive relationships, we work towards every individual having a strong belief in their own abilities so that they work hard, build resilience and achieve their very best

The DT curriculum is planned to enable all students to develop skills in the following areas:
To develop an understanding of health and safety within a range of DT areas
To gain a range of practical DT skills including the need for precision and a passion for design
To understand the impact people and products have on the environment
To gain a wider understanding of the world around us and the impact people and products can have on this
To use subject specific technical vocabulary to share and explain their ideas and concepts
In addition to subject specific links, we aim to explicitly reinforce the skills and aptitudes which support employers say are important in the workplace;
Aiming high, staying positive and resilience
Communication skills (listening, speaking, presenting)
Teamwork and problem solving,
Creativity and thinking skills
Mixed ability classes across KS3 covering a wide range of challenging topics and projects. All students have two hours per fortnight in both Design Technology and Food Technology.
How does our Curriculum cater for students with additional needs?
HCCS is an inclusive school where every child is valued and respected. We are committed to the inclusion, progress and independence of all our students, including those with SEN. We work to support our students to make progress in their learning, their emotional and social development and their independence. We actively work to support the learning and needs of all members of our community.
Teachers are responsible for the progress of ALL students in their class and high-quality teaching is carefully planned; this is the first step in supporting students who may have SEND. All students are challenged to do their very best and all students are expected to make at least good progress.
Specific approaches which are used within the curriculum areas include:
1:1 support with practical tasks through the use of the DT technician
Resources adapted to accommodate a range of additional needs
Practical tasks demonstrated and more challenging stages recorded to be viewed by the learner as needed
Seating plans to allow for peer/teacher support
A range of learning styles embedded in all lessons
How do we make sure that our curriculum is implemented effectively?
The Design Technology curriculum leader is responsible for designing the Design Technology curriculum and monitoring implementation.
The subject leader’s monitoring is validated by senior leaders.
Staff have regular access to professional development/training to ensure that curriculum requirements are met.
Effective assessment informs staff about areas in which interventions are required. These interventions are delivered during curriculum time to enhance pupils’ capacity to access the full curriculum.
Curriculum resources are selected carefully and reviewed regularly.
Assessments are designed thoughtfully to assess student progress and also to shape future learning.
Assessments are checked for reliability within departments and across the Trust.
How do we make sure our curriculum is having the desired impact?
Examination results analysis and evaluation, reported to the senior leaders and the local governing body to ensure challenge
Lesson observations
Learning walks
Book scrutiny
Regular feedback from Teaching Staff during department meetings
Regular feedback from Middle Leaders during curriculum meetings
Pupil surveys
Parental feedback
External reviews and evaluations