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Covid-19 Vaccination for 12 to 15 year olds

Earlier this week the Chief Medical Officers for England, Scotland and Wales announced that the national Covid-19 vaccination programme will now be opened up to school children between the ages of 12 and 15. The decision has also been taken at a national level to facilitate the delivery of the vaccine in secondary schools. In our school, the vaccination programme will be available here in the week beginning 27th September 2021. Further information about the arrangements will be sent out early next week when the details have been agreed with our local NHS provider.

We understand completely that there are some very wide ranging views about the vaccination programme for children in this age range. Our role as a school is to work with our NHS colleagues to facilitate access to the vaccine for those children whose parents give explicit consent for them to receive the vaccine whilst in school. We cannot answer the questions parents and children will have about the risks and benefits or any issues of consent which in the older age range of children is legally more complex. We very much see our role as facilitating the opportunity for your child to receive the vaccine whilst in school if you wish for them to take part and they are willing to do so. We will share with you a contact point with the NHS where you will be able to get the most up to date information and advice.

Further information will be shared early next week which will include an online consent form. This will be managed completely by the NHS provider. We have agreed the availability of rooms to enable the programme to take place. This area will be staffed by specially trained nurses and staff from the NHS. Our school will give children time during the day to attend for their vaccination but will only guide children to the facility where the NHS has received the explicit consent of the parent or guardian and the child wishes to receive the vaccine.

We trust that all parents, guardians and children will consider very carefully taking part in the vaccination programme but as an education provider, we cannot advise on the very complex nature of the efficacy of this or any other treatment. A very useful starting point for information to help you make your decisions which includes answers to frequently asked questions can be found at:

For our students ages 16 to 18 years, vaccination is available to book via the national booking system using the following link.

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