The Curriculum
At Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School, our mission is to be a caring and inclusive school and college community that delivers an ambitious curriculum, rich with opportunities, that enables everyone to learn, grow and thrive as fulfilled, kind and resilient members of society.
Our Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum aims to deliver on our 4 values:
We learn together
We belong to this community
We are proud of ourselves and each other
We have consistently high expectations
Our intent is therefore to provide a powerful, knowledge-rich curriculum to where every student can experience meaningful success.
Our ambitious curriculum, rich with well-chosen knowledge, is designed to:
build independence, resilience and confidence,
open eyes and create ambition that is not limited by any barrier or glass ceiling,
create free thinkers and risk takers who are safe in the knowledge that they are valued and supported.
We want our community to:
appreciate their heritage and how that fits in with the wider world;
Be empowered to see beyond the everyday and construct meanings about the world they live in
to take the joy, ambition and confidence created through our knowledge based curriculum into their prosperous futures.
The learning of powerful knowledge:
Our curriculum seeks to build our students’ knowledge and understanding of a broad range of subject disciplines, We believe that:
Each subject makes a unique and important contribution to the building of powerful knowledge and cultural capital
A curriculum that is inclusive, including and representative of diverse voices best empowers our students to flourish in the world of the twenty-first century.
We want everyone within our community to understand
The way that learning is sequenced in each subject to build understanding over the course of a coherent Curriculum Journey
How and when students’ progression through their Curriculum Journeys will be assessed
Therefore all of our subjects have considered the following things, which they share on their subject specific pages:
The subject intent
The unique contribution that this subject makes to developing powerful knowledge
The subject implementation rationale
The reasoning behind the decisions made by each subject in choosing what teach, when and how.
The subject learning journey
What knowledge is taught when
The subject assessment and feedback policy
How and when each student’s progress through the learning journey will be assessed
The subject home learning policy
How students are expected to practise independently, to build on their learning in the classroom
We implement this curriculum through our timetable at each Key Stage. The curriculum model is as follows:
In Key Stage 3 all students follow a universal, knowledge-rich, broad and balanced curriculum. This consists of: mathematics; English; science; computing & IT; PE; geography; history; RE; art; drama; music; design and technology; food studies; two modern foreign languages and PSHE (My Enriched Curriculum). The knowledge within each subject area is structured and sequenced to enable all students to make progress, with foundational knowledge at the heart of their learning.