BTEC Technical Award in Enterprise
What is Enterprise?
Enterprise is a set of attitudes, behaviours and skills. Put simply, enterprise is the willingness of an individual or organisation to:
take risks and control risk factors
show initiative and 'make things happen'
start a new venture or inject new life and drive into existing initiatives.
Why do we study Enterprise?
These enterprising attitudes, behaviours and skills are in high demand in the business world. Employers need employees with these skills. For some, entrepreneurship will lead to their own businesses. For others, self employment is often an option in many careers. Enterprise assists in developing these life skills, attitudes and behaviours.
How do we study Enterprise?
This subject is studied with a balanced mix of enterprise theory, practical research into local enterprises, working in teams and by creating and running a micro-business activity. These all contribute toward assignment based work. Promotion and Finance is studied in a traditional manner (lessons, home learning and exam preparation) for a written exam in the second year.
Students are expected to complete independent study weekly to complement the learning that occurs in lessons.
Careers Leading on from Enterprise
A BTEC in Enterprise Level 2 will prepare you to enter into the world of work, business and self employment in any industry or sector of the economy.
The BTEC level 2 qualification is equivalent to GCSE standard and will fulfill entry requirements to study Business/Enterprise or Economics at Level 3 (Sixth Form study).