Humanities - Religious Studies
We are a non faith school and therefore want to introduce students to a range of religious and ethical perspectives in a neutral way without religious or ideological agenda. We want to prepare students for wider society and our ever changing world by developing them socially, morally, spiritually and culturally (SMSC) through self knowledge and reflection whereby they understand how best to interact with others and how to find meaning and value in their own lives. And although we deliver a knowledge based curriculum, we are committed to nurturing our learners as human beings rather than purely as academic students.
We want students to understand multiculturalism within the UK, and its pluralistic religious approach whilst understanding the historical background and contemporary background of the UK as a Christian country. We want to nurture students so they feel empowered to express their own personal views and beliefs on a range of topical philosophical, religious and ethical questions. Within our subject and our school community more broadly we promote inclusivity and respect for our fellow human beings, supporting our commitment to being a British and global citizen. We want our learners to be free thinkers and able to recognise the threat of radicalisation, fake news or discrimination in the context of our shared British values. Students will be given the tools to construct logical arguments and express their own views as independent and critical thinkers providing them with the confidence and knowledge to engage and thrive in our ever changing world.
Across the RS and Philosophy Department, the curriculum is implemented through clear, shared and explicit programmes of study that reflect our Department intent. All lessons are rigorously planned, and all resources are available physically in the lesson and electronically for remote access through the Google Classroom. All lessons provide personal pathways with differentiated tasks to challenge learners of all abilities. Programmes of study are constantly evolving to reflect our changing world so that students can engage with topical issues and connect their learning with real life applications. Quality of lesson delivery, teaching and assessments are monitored through a robust scrutiny process. Data is used to monitor and support student progress through interims, assessments and mock exams.
KS3 introduces students to Eastern and Western religious traditions as well as philosophical and ethical thinking. This knowledge based curriculum, with memory retrieval practice and linking of lesson and scheme of learning will prepare students to succeed at GCSE where students will take AQA Religious Studies full course, and those students who are passionate about the philosophical and ethical components of GCSE have the opportunity to study Philosophy A Level.
The teaching and learning of these programmes of study will be delivered using the HCCS Lesson Routines and will have a core focus on the following:
Pride, Enthusiasm, Reliability, Reflection, Respect, Perseverance, Cooperation, Ambition, Resourcefulness, Responsibility, Resilience, Growth mindset.
Empathetic thinking, Critical thinking, Constructing and deconstructing arguments, Self reflection, Academic writing, Use of logical reasoning, Reading and analysing texts.
Self knowledge of Personal identity, British values and citizenship, History of Britain as Christian country, Religious beliefs, practices and forms of expression, Religious scripture, Ethical theories and moral dilemmas, Philosophical arguments and thought experiments.
‘Thought For The Week’ - tutor time, Curriculum,mn Enhancement mornings, Extra curricular clubs and activities, External speakers and events, Involvement with the community and society, Trips and visits.