Year 6 Transition - English
Hello Year 6 & Welcome to English at HCCS
We can’t wait to welcome you into the school in September and, to get you prepared for our meeting, we have prepared a few tasks to keep your literacy brains ticking over! The tasks are based around those core skills of reading and writing so that you can be on top form when you arrive at the beginning of year 7.
Flash fiction: Why not flex those writing skills with a short story?
Rapid read: Develop your reading prowess by answering some questions on a short text.
Wordsquare: Get those brain cells working by creating as many words as you can for each wordsquare!
In addition to any of these tasks that you choose to complete, please also keep reading your own book choices as much as you can and sharing what you read with those at home!
Take care,
Your English teachers!