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Year 6 Transition - Maths

Hello, and welcome to the HCCS Maths Y6-7 transition pack! 


This package has been designed to give our Year 6 students the opportunity to engage with some mathematical activities that will help prepare them for the move up to HCCS. We understand that the move up to secondary school is a daunting one at the best of times, but now even more so given the circumstances. This is ultimately why we’ve decided to put this resource together, to help put some young minds at ease, whilst also hopefully providing you, and the family, with some fun maths activities to do over the next couple of months! 


Now, I know what some of you are thinking… why and how are “fun” and “maths” written in the same sentence? Well, we’ve tried to go out of our way to find fun activities! These range from codebreaker activities, to calculated colouring, to games and memory challenges. We’re hoping you’ll find a wide variety of tasks so you can have a good look through and see what takes your fancy. No matter which, or how many you choose to do, they’ll be a great use of any spare time you may have..

CONTENTS - The Skills we chose to focus on - Click here to access these skills

The folders are numbered as follows…

  1. The Four Operations


  3. Rounding

  4. Fraction of an Amount

  5. Percentage of an Amount

  6. Measures and Scale

7. Key Facts and Memory Challenges (including Times-Tables)

8. Calculator Crunch (using a scientific calculator)

9. Monster Maths Challenges (4 operations)

10. Literacy focused Key-Word Word Searches

11. Extra activities and games

In each folder, you’ll find a mixture of activities focusing on a particular skill. Each activity should also come with the answers so students can check and mark their work.

Why should we do these tasks?

It’s important to recognise at this point that these activities are by no means compulsory, but we would highly recommend that our year 6 students are encouraged to try and complete at least some of the tasks.


Participation will increase retention and fluency of some key numeracy skills that are fundamental when transitioning up to secondary level maths. Not only this, but we are hoping that by starting with some of these new “secondary school” maths tasks, we have a greater chance of starting to tackle any anxiety surrounding maths now, and we appreciate any support you can give us with this during this time of uncertainty. For those who may have children who do encounter this type of anxiety towards maths, we would encourage you to ensure you don’t refer back to any previous negative experiences you may have had at school when it came to maths. Keep things positive, and offer any sort of praise when it comes to even attempting a maths task. Actually getting started on a task is often the biggest hurdle to overcome!


You will also be reassured to know that we will of course be making some alterations to our Year 7 Schemes of Work in order to accommodate for what our community has been through over the last few months.

“I’m a little nervous when it comes to helping with maths”...

The first thing to say is please don’t worry, I can promise you’re not the only person who feels like this! 


To make things easier and to take the pressure off a little, we’ve compiled some helpful videos which demonstrate the skill your child has chosen to work on within the pack. These videos will show full worked examples that will help your child be able to access the tasks we’ve put together without too much support from parents or guardians. (Phew!)


The links to these videos can be found on a separate PowerPoint within each folder

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