Humanities - History
At HCCS we have a broad, balanced and engaging History curriculum. The intent of our History curriculum is threefold. To develop students who have genuine love and inquisitiveness for the subject, To provide students with the knowledge to become competant historians, and to nurture the analytical and evaluative skills that are both applicable to history and the wider world. From KS3 to KS5 our curriculum is inclusive for all students enabling them to develop both the knowledge and key historical skills to flourish. From year 7 to year 13, students develop the five key History concepts using evidence, interpretations, significance, change and continuity and cause and consequence. Additionally, our curriculum has opportunities for students to develop socially, morally, spiritually and culturally (SMSC). The content we examine enables students to understand and scrutinise the past. Students are able to take these lessons and apply them to our current world, making links in terms of local, national, regional and Global contexts.

Across the History Department, the curriculum is implemented through clear, shared and explicit programmes of study that reflect our Department intent. All lessons are rigorously planned, and all resources are available physically in the lesson and electronically for remote access through the Google Classroom. All lessons provide personal pathways with differentiated tasks to challenge learners of all abilities. Programmes of study are constantly evolving to reflect our changing world so that students can engage with topical issues and connect their learning with real life applications. Quality of lesson delivery, teaching and assessments are monitored through a robust scrutiny process. Data is used to monitor and support student progress through interims, assessments and mock exams.
KS3 introduces students to both Chronological Schemes of Learning, assessing change over time and clear depth studies assessing some of the pivotal events in the history of the British Isles and beyond. This knowledge based curriculum, with memory retrieval practice and linking of lesson and scheme of learning will prepare students to succeed at GCSE where students will take AQA History full course, and those students who are passionate about History of GCSE have the opportunity to study OCR History A Level.
Pride, Enthusiasm, Reliability, Reflection, Respect, Perseverance, Cooperation, Ambition, Resourcefulness, Responsibility, Resilience, Growth mindset
Change and Continuity, Significance, Cause and consequence, Similarity and difference, Historical Enquiry and independent research skills, Explanation, Analysis , Evaluation, Source and Evidence Skills, Historiography
Chronological understanding of local, national and world History., History and development of the British Isles, Significant wider world History, To understand complex historical terms, Understanding local, regional, national and global connections, Understanding connections between cultural,, economic, military, political, religious and social history , Short- and long-term timescales.
Revision Sessions, Local History Study, Extra curricular clubs and activities, External speakers and events , Involvement with the community and society, Trips and visits.