Visyon Practical Strategies Webinars
Apprenticeships letter Students
Apprenticeships letter Parents
6th Form Leadership
Child Development Congleton 27072022
Parental Separation Congleton 19072022
Supporting Children with AN 13072022 Congleton
Non Examination Assessment (NEA) Centre Assessed Marks for GCSE Art/craft/design
Christmas Jumpers
revision letter
Staff Development Day: 23rd June 2021 - School CLOSED for all Students




School Open As Usual

The Queen's Jubilee Afternoon Lunch menu - 24th May

Ricardo Lamperez

Sarah Leary/
Claire Clarke

Rachel Hawkins

Laura Sneddon

Chloe Plant

Craig Proudlove

Heather Finigan

Kate Weaver/Emily Robinson
Temporary Pastoral Support Officer
Term Time - Immediate Start
We are seeking to appoint full-time General Teaching Assistants to join our highly successful Learning Support Team. These positions are to support students with a variety of learning needs and challenges, which are eligible for specific SEND funding. We have many students with a range of needs who we wish to support to enable them to be the best they can be and engage with the rich opportunities we have in school.
Closing date for applications: 9th December 2022
Adverse Weather Conditions: School is OPEN for All Students
Temporary Education Support Officer
Student Services - 17.75 hours per week (2.5 days a week)
We are looking to recruit an experienced, enthusiastic administrator to support our Student Services.
The successful candidate will need to have experience of working in a busy office environment with the ability to effectively communicate with students, parents and staff. You must have proven IT skills and experience of using Microsoft packages is essential.
Closing date for applications: 15th April 2021

Parent Governor Vacancy
We are looking for anyone with parental responsibility for a child at this school to join our governing body.
Your input on areas such as finance, behaviour & wellbeing, teaching & learning and site development will help to influence and improve school performance.
No previous experience is needed as free training is available to develop skills and provide support.
Please contact Pauline Challinor, Clerk to the Board of Governors on 01477 410500 for further information.
Deadline for nominations is Friday 14th October 2022 at 12 noon.
Parent Governor - Election Letterhead.pdf